Thursday, June 19, 2008

Don’t seek to destroy Petronas, our pride

From The Star

SO much has been said and written about Petronas that are unnecessary and even hurtful to the feelings of its staff.

From the price of petrol to other operational matters like Formula One, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and, just recently, a call to make Petronas' annual report public.

Doesn't anybody understand that Formula One and Philharmonic Orchestra are about branding and serve the purpose of enhancing our international marketing? If we had invested US$100mil in any of them, the returns have been multi-fold.

This company was formed in 1974 and contributed hundreds of billions in revenue to the Malaysian Government and a few state governments.

The company has remained solid and, globally, we are present in more than 30 countries. We are a big brand loved by many business partners because of our excellent management and investment successes.

As a staff of Petronas, I may not be better paid than the staff of other oil companies, but as a Malaysian, I am so proud to contribute my services to my beloved country.

Regarding a call for Petronas to also reveal publicly its trade secrets in the form of business plans and strategies, this can be so detrimental to the well-being of Petronas. It would serve only to benefit our competitors.